Friday, February 7, 2014

Making Lemonade

It has been five whole years since my favorite day ever.

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Five years ago, I had not given much thought to what our future might hold, and honestly, I really didn't care... as long as we could do life together. 

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Well it is five years later and we have called five different states "home", traveled to and through 28 different states and two countries, underwent and rehabbed through three surgeries, made new lifelong friends, made two career changes and discovered new talents and hobbies. I get a little overwhelmed when I start reminiscing about where life has taken us and all of the changes we have been through. 

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know a little about the struggle we went through with Aaron's arm {a.k.a. his livelihood} and then having to re-evaluate what we both wanted to do with our lives... and when I say we "discovered new talents" above, one of them became making lemonade out of lemons. What I've learned is that my homemade lemonade is only as sweet as my perspective is. Receiving bad news about his shoulder, living in a hotel for a month, not having a place to call our own, not being able to see our friends and family half the year, working towards a BSN in only twelve months, Calculus III, yada yada yada... were just a few of the "lemons" {a.k.a. reality}... but the "sugar-y perspective" was realizing we had the opportunity to travel and explore America, make new and lasting friendships, discover a passion for nursing and a knack for engineering, and make so many MEMORIES that we will always cherish

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The one {and only} thing that has remained constant through all of the ups and downs, changes, whirlwinds, mountain tops and valleys is that God is faithful. As I reflect back, I see God's blessings on us even in the hardest of times. He gave us a strong support system of friends and family back home and also in each new "home" we made... He kept us safe and protected in all of our travels. He blessed us financially so that we could be together year round and never have to say those awful long goodbyes... I am truly overwhelmed with thankfulness for the last five years.

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Aaron, my home is wherever you are. You are my very best friend and no one makes me laugh as much as you do. Might I add, that at times you make me so mad I could spit. Thank you for loving me in spite of my shortcomings, as they are many. And might I add, you have a few yourself ;) I love you more than anyone in the world. You are my favorite. Here's to many more years of life together! 

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