Monday, April 28, 2014

Springtime Things

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Besides Christmas, spring is my favorite time of year in Fairhope. One of the main reasons (other than warmer temperatures of course) is the flowers. 

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Every street corner, light post, yard, sidewalk and even garbage can is adorned with blooms right now and I just cannot get enough. All of this color everywhere I look just makes me HAPPY!

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You know what else made me happy? Mrs. Vickie {Aaron's mom} and her mom "Pop" and sister "Aunt Sue" came to visit during the Fairhope Arts and Crafts festival. 

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My two favorite booths were the one above by my talented friend Carolyn Hailey and the one below was an artist in Mississippi. Once again, color just does wonders for me.

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We shopped, talked, laughed, ate and shopped some more. All of our favorite things to do... it was such a fun weekend.

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Aaron has gotten to be really good friends with his calculus teacher over the past couple of years {they've spent a LOT of time together} and he sends us eggs from his chicken coop from time to time. I honestly think they taste better than store bought... and of course look prettier!

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One of my absolute favorite flavor combinations is orange and chocolate. This little snack of toast, nutella and cutie segments is my fave.

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I think the weather has finally decided to STAY warm. It was a beautiful weekend at the beach with Court for her spring break... I took my own "spring break" too! 

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We successfully evened out our farmers tans {hers from coaching soccer and mine from cycling}, ate some amazing royal red shrimp {compliments of her daddy}, watched a horribly depressing movie {August: Osage County} and walked and talked on the beach.

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Aaron and I have had a LOT going on this spring {as evidenced by my lack of posts}... all good {and hard} things... so I'll share more in the next post. Until then readers!

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