Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Hip Hip Hooray! It's FINALLY getting warmer! I have HAD IT with this cold winter! Spring is one of my favorite times of the year because of the temperature change but mainly because everything starts to BLOOM.  They plant tulips on the bluff every spring and they make me happy every time I run by them :)

Fairhope is always beautiful- I mean, all year round we have flowers blooming on top of our garbage cans! -but springtime just doesn't get any prettier. I love to drive around town and see flowers on every street corner, japanese magnolia trees in full bloom and all the camelias!

The Rockies told Aaron to stay in Fairhope during spring training so that he could rehab with the physical therapist at my dad's clinic. Therefore, we have thoroughly enjoyed being "home" for one more month. I have been cooking up a storm- I'm trying to cook as many Julia Child's recipes as I can while the parents are still helping with the grocery bill! Don't worry, they (and Aaron) love every minute of it. Also, the temp has been warm and we have had so much fun at the beach and the pool.

TTFN! Ta-ta for now! :) (name that children's show character!)


  1. Tigger says ta ta for now! TTFN, right?

  2. haha! You got it! Thanks for commenting! :)



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