Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Baby Love

Ummmm.... where do I even start?? I think I've avoided blogging the last few months because every time I sit down to write and share photos I get pregnancy brain overwhelmed by everything I want to share that I just close the window and open up someone else's blog to read... that's easier and more entertaining... ha!

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But- since this is my little online scrapbook of sorts, I would like to share some photos from the last few months including the basketball I've been carrying around my baby and my friends' babies. I would like to write a post about this pregnancy of mine to share with those of you that are interested, but mainly to be able to look back and remember. Carrying around this little one has been such a special experience and I can't wait to share it with you.

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But today I want to show you my friends and their sweet babies!

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Being able to spend all this time with Courtney and baby Harlan has taught me SO much and definitely eased my anxieties about caring for a newborn... I mean, it's just not everyday you are responsible for keeping a newborn little person alive! I'm so thankful for all of the "practice" I've had with this little sack of sugar...

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I've become quite popular with all of my friends babies thanks to the "built-in boppy pillow" I have around my middle section... Harlan loves to have a seat on the ledge of his friend, even though it does come with a few kicks in the booty every now and then. My mom has also enjoyed getting some practice in as well...

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Another little one we have enjoyed loving on is Tanner Michael Corley. Remember when his big brother was born?

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These photos were obviously taken the day after he was born and he's such a big boy now! I totally stole this photo from Emily's IG but can you blame me?! Their little smiles make me so happy!

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Being surrounded by my friends and their pregnancies/babies has definitely helped amp up my excitement for my own little love to arrive... and being able to watch them "mother" has taught me all kinds of things that I know will help me make it through those first few months.

I'll leave you with mine and Harlan's idea of "tummy time"...

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Sometime before I deliver, I would like to post a blog about my experience carrying this little one Aaron named we call "Gerber". Hopefully it'll be in this next week or so because March 1st is coming sooner than later!

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{And yes, my blog has a new "look"! It's all my fave colors and I'm still in the process of getting all of the links {and kinks} worked out- Lord knows I am technologically challenged to say the least!- Thank you Rachel Cox!! -see the bottom of the page for a link to her site}