Thursday, March 6, 2014

"Sistas" Weekend

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This past weekend Jessica and I made the drive from Fairhope to Jackson for a sistas weekend. It was a whirlwind trip and we had a BLAST! The icing on the cake- we were reunited with our Bellie girl!!!

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Gosh... I miss her so much and it was getting to be that time where even the pics and videos don't justify time away from her spunky little self. 

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Of course, Jules had the fridge stocked with all different juices and sparkling beverages {our fave} and the shelves filled with cute snacks in pretty packaging... I think it makes them taste better for sure.

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To start off our Saturday we celebrated Haley {our sweet friend/chi o sister/cousin-by-marriage} at her boho baby shower brunch.  We can't WAIT to meet little Miss Liza come May!

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The decorations were straight out of Anthro and the cute little brunch bites were delicious.  

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Jackson has arrived... they have a Whole Foods now! I'm not a big salad eater usually, but their salad bar made me change my mind for a day.

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The entire rest of the day we perused antique shops and outdoor malls... We were literally shopping until Jess and I started dropping... Mine was probably low blood sugar and she was still worn out from working the day before... Julie noticed we were starting to "fade" around 8pm for heaven's sake and she quickly opened up the mini fridge at Home Goods and handed us both liter Coke's and made us chug 'em... HA! After that we were ridiculously hyper good to go for a few more hours. CHEERS!

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Sunday we rested and spent some quality time with Belle... and Mom spent the day with us too.

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We cleaned and organized Julie's apartment and I just had to take some pictures.

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I love all of the character and charm of old homes. Julie would say her little apt is still a work in progress as far as window treatments, furniture, putting pictures in picture frames and all of that goes... but it's adorable as is if you ask me! 

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I'd say Julie and Belle's little abode fits them to a "T". 

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It was such a fun whirlwind of a weekend. Julie and Belle were the "hostesses with the mostest" and Belle simply refused that we leave her!

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Have I mentioned how much I love having sisters and being the oldest ?... I know that no matter who comes and goes in my life I will always have three best friends {including mom!}. And as you can probably tell, there is never a dull moment... like EVER!

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Happy Thursday readers!

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