Monday, June 3, 2013

Back to Normal

Well, the "going to class" part of nursing school has come to an end (for the most part) and my practicum (along with a couple of online classes) is about to begin. The "practicum" part mimics a regular work schedule where I go to the hospital for a few 12 hour shifts a week and work with a preceptor. I am really excited to start learning with more of a hands on approach.

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{Just for fun [insert rolling of the eyes], I counted 30+ pages of research written within 10 days during one of our rotations.}

I have thoroughly enjoyed getting back into triathlon training, cooking for pleasure, reading good books, guiltlessly watching a cooking show, taking more pictures and blogging! and most of all spending more quality time with Aaron and my family and friends not just sitting in the same room while my brain is focused on a book or paper.

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Aaron has been very busy lately... He has been taking classes trying to finish his degree (he got drafted after his junior year of college), teaching pitching lessons to kids of all ages, working out and throwing. He has made all A's in his classes, is staying busy with his little business, and is stronger than he's ever been. I go to bootcamp a couple of days a week where he does all of his lessons and it makes my heart happy to see him with those little boys! It's the cutest thing you ever did see. As far as throwing goes, he has more good days than not-so-good days but will not consider getting back into baseball until he feels consistently good. So in the meantime, we are living life the same way we would if he wasn't throwing and testing his arm out one last time. We continually find comfort in the fact that God is in control.

Now, I'm going into a profession where if it's not documented, it didn't happen. However, I'll have you know that a LOT has happened over the past few months of me not blogging (I mean come on, something's gotta give!) but what I did take pictures of {on my phone obviously} I will show you...

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We celebrated our 4 year anniversary at Ruth Chris and it was delish.

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We had "wild and crazy" nights with friends.

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... and enjoyed crawfish being in season...

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Mrs. Vickie (my MIL) and I got to feeling a little crafty one day and made this beautiful wreath of succulents for my porch!

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Sunday lunch dates with Aaron are my favorite... down home cooking that I did not buy, prepare, or clean up after.

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... and the weather here has been absolutely beautiful and breezy (which is not fun when your cycling into a headwind but it has been awesome for running). I have a good bit to catch y'all up on... and I feel like I have my life back... I will be back soon for sure.

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  1. Jill, I know I've said it before, but I just love reading your blog! This one, I can especially relate to. Our life hasn't felt very "normal" for about a year! Im ready to feel "balanced" again! Thanks for sharing :) and reminding me God is in control.

  2. Welcome back. I've been checking your blog for updates. Glad to see you are somewhat getting back into the swing of things :)

  3. I found your blog through Pinterest several months ago. I read the entire thing in a couple of days, and kept going back everyday to see if a new entry had been posted. I am excited to see your new post! My husband and I are definitely remembering that GOD is in control with our infertility. Love reading your blog!
