Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's been awhile...

Hey there readers!!


I apologize for my record long absence... this accelerated nursing program has had me turned every which way but loose. Belle gets worn out just watching me.


I have spent many nights devouring all of this amazing information I am learning about the human body and loving every minute... and I have also spent a few sleepless (paperwork filled) nights wondering why in the HELL I am spending money I have chosen to put myself through this. Aaron's had to talk me down off the ledge one too many times. 

Most of my clinical nights consisted of Little Caesars, coke, paperwork, studying and three hours of sleep. Don't you wish you could be me?


However, I must say that the good days and the bad days have been worth it because I finished the "semester" with seven A's and three B's. {Yes, 10 classes since July.}Woop woop! I worked mighty hard but I played hard too.

Court and I went to the Ironman in Panama City one weekend to cheer on a group from Fairhope.


It was so inspiring! We made a pact that one day we would do a full Ironman. It's a lofty goal and we might be 50 when it happens. The training is insane!


But it was nice being the cheerleaders for once...


Jane Gray and baby James came to town!


Brad, Emily and Tucker came to town... Tucker loves his big sister and she was very patient with him.


I kind of got into a "I forgot my camera" funk for a while but rest assured, I made up for it over the break as you will soon see.

I am still working to find a balance between living life and typing research papers and studying. Although, I think finding a balance is something I will always have to work on, no matter what season of life I am in.

Bellie girl was glad that I had a break from school...


I have thoroughly enjoyed my two week Christmas break and my time has been spent with family and friends, cooking, reading magazines, and Downton Abbey marathons. 


Aaron has been livin' it up in the deer stand, and brought home a 255 lb monster buck! It scored 154. I was so proud!!


He has also been taking classes, working out with a trainer and doing pitching lessons. I will elaborate more on his situation later on, but he's doing really well!

I have several posts in my drafts box that I will be posting over the next week so stay tuned!

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