Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Very Merry Morning


As you can tell somebody loved their new headphones! ^^


Christmas morning is a time my sisters and I look forward to all year long. We go around one by one and open each gift Mrs. Clause took the time to wrap. Afterwards, it looks as though a tornado hit the room. 


Santa goes all out... He had seven people to bring gifts to this year! Three of my favorite gifts were that beautiful piece of artwork you see by the fireplace, a dyson ball vacuum cleaner and a set of steak knives... Oh my word I am getting OLD. As evidenced by the picture below, no matter how "old" they are, boys love their toys...



I whipped up a batch of homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast... and when I say "whipped" I mean I made the dough the night before and basically cut them out that morning. They were delicious!


Our very merry morning ended on a sweet note! Thanks for reading (if you even did ;) all of my belated Christmas posts. I promise belated Christmas is better than growth charts and fetal monitoring! {I'm in my maternal child rotation} :) I will be back very soon with a New Years post. Until then folks!

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