Monday, August 6, 2012

Heart O Dixie Tri


Oh hey there... it's me... feeling a tad bit like the way I look in the picture below... happy and in a daze all at the same time. These past two weeks of school have been just as crazy and busy as I knew they would be and I am loving every information-absorbing minute! {Hopefully I'll still be saying the same thing a few months from now} However, after three exams in the second week, my brain is a tad fried. {I made all A's though! It's amazing how "smart" you can be when you're motivated}


Even though school is busy, training is not something I'm going to sacrifice. The stamina and energy benefits- not to mention stress relief- are too good to get lazy. Can y'all hold me to that please? Last weekend, me, Courtney and my Dad competed in the Heart 'O Dixie Triathlon in Louisville, Mississippi. 


We swam 1/2 mile, biked 27 miles, and ran 7 miles. This race was half of what we did last year... and probably 1/3 of the training.


Dad has always been my "coach"... as in like, since I was 6 yrs. old {with running}. Every race, he gives me the "pep-up speech" and we discuss how I'm going to pace {and now that we're racing together, we discuss his goals too}. I'm cracking up that Mom {our head cheerleader and photographer} caught us in action.


Hey Court! She was strokin' it.


It was a beautiful morning with temps in the high 70's and then progressed to the 80's... we weren't complaining!



After the swim, we headed out on the bike. We biked from Louisville to Philadelphia.


After the bike, we ran to the Neshoba County Fair. I've decided this is Courtney's signature pose when she sees the camera while running... look familiar?


She ain't playin' around though.


And neither was I.


... and we just hope we can be 51 yrs. old one day and still truckin' on along.


When we finished, I was a happy camper. Let me just tell you, accomplishing a goal is one of the best feelings!


The excitement of the competition, and the rewarding feeling of the finish makes all of those early mornings {and late evening} workouts worth it. But I have to say, when you've got two {and sometimes more than two} of your favorite people to train with, the workouts are actually enjoyable.



And when you're support crew {puppy included} is there to cheer you on, it's that much more FUN!


1 comment:

  1. Jill. You are a machine. I love these stories! it motivates me :)
