Sunday, January 8, 2012

Run Like a Girl


Early this morning, we laced up our brightly colored running shoes and ran the First Light Marathon in Mobile... all 26.2 miles of it.



"We" includes my sister Jessica and her sweet friend Caroline.


... and of course, Courtney and I. Courtney has always been a constant in my life, especially when it comes to competing together. We're so blessed that we have each other to train with.


And I was so excited to be able to run a marathon with my baby sister! First a half ironman, now this, what's next? Ha! {That's the LAST thing I want to think about right now as I can barely move from my chair}.


Shall I give you a little timeline of our day?


I was fully prepared the night before: my clothes were laid out, my watch and ipod were charged, and my race food was ready to go in my little "fanny pack" {that's what I call it}.


We got up before the crack, and on our way to the race we saw a double rainbow... we said either it was a "sign" that today would be a good day... or that we would never run another marathon again... 


We made it in the nick of time and even got to run to the bathroom one more time.


... and we got ready for the start! And you're probably wondering why I resemble more of a "Roller Derby Queen" rather than a marathon runner... I'm wearing compression socks and of course I had to get a cute color right? I decided to wear them because I have had {posterior tibial} tendonitis on and off in my ankles since marathon training last year and I wanted a little more stability for today's race. I was still in pain for about 24 of the miles but I don't even want to know how bad they would have been if I hadn't had the extra stability. So there you have it! {That's why I look like a goofball! :)  }


The gun went off and we were excited and rarin' to go!


Parts of the course were so beautiful. My mom was our photographer and head cheerleader. I wish I could have gotten a picture of her taking pictures of us. She was so cute!


She said all she had to do was look for my hot pink socks and then she could pick us out in the crowd!


Mile 12... life is good.


Mile 15... life is hard but still good.


Mile 19... life is getting more hard {for me, mainly}...


... but we're all still trying to smile through the pain.


Our lovely fan club and the thought of being DONE got us through the last six miles.


... and then the "eye of the tiger" mentality set in as we got closer and closer to the finish.



This was Caroline's very first marathon and she ROCKED it. We were so proud of her!!!


Court got in the zone too... Can't you tell?


Me... I was just hanging on for dear life. We all finished about ten seconds in between each other.


We didn't run quite as fast as we wanted to but we also didn't expect the temps to be in the 70's on January 8!


Ahhh... celebrating at the finish line... such a good feeling!!






If I had gone at it alone, I know for a fact that I could not have kept the pace and finished as strong as I did. It's amazing how much more enjoyable it is when you've got a group of fun friends to share the experience with.


We were all so proud of ourselves and each other.  The feeling of accomplishment is definitely a boost.  We ran a freakin' MARATHON! 


... and we're all still alive to tell about it. Mentally, it's an amazing feeling. Physically, well words don't quite do the soreness justice, but I think we ALL say it was totally worth it.


  1. Oh Jill, congrats! Your making me want to run another one! I know just how you feel...The day after my first one I taught class from my rolling chair. haha Go do some yoga :)

  2. looks like you pasted out like me this time.... except you actually ran the thing. I did not!! haha y'all looked cute!

  3. You girls are amazing!! You didn't even look tired! Love catchin up on my Carter girls :)

  4. Congrats on your marathon! I was here running too! I am LOL as I was googling an image for pinterest of the first light and your Newtons pic popped up! I had to click on it as I have a few like that from prior races and wondered if it was mine:) TOO FUNNY!! Are you running this weekend in NOLA? Have a great day!!!

    1. Thanks Daphne! What a small world. I really wanted to run in NOLA but my dang ankles won't let me! So frustrating. Good luck to you though! Have fun!
