Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Perks of Coastal Living


We love living where we do for many reasons... I want to show you a few of them today!


Sunny Sunday afternoons are perfect for a beach outing with friends.



Ocean creatures are not a "perk" in my opinion... unless they are edible and don't sting like fire!


Aaron is very brave... you couldn't PAY me to hold a jellyfish {with or without tentacles}.



But as soon as one uses natural defenses and stings him, the wrath is all too much for a pitiful jellyfish to stand.


Moving onto a natural phenomenon that only happens in our neck of the woods... and one other place in the world... I think it's the coast of India.


After receiving a phone call from a friend who also received a phone call {and so on and so forth}, thousands of "Fairhopians" and others flock to the bay for a night of the easiest fishing you can find... it's called a Jubilee.


This is how it works: The oxygen levels in the water go down for some reason and so all kinds of bay/sea creatures start swimming to the surface of the water and eventually land on the shore in desperate need of oxygen. You see crab, shrimp, flounder, eel, mullet, etc.


Aaron and I received a phone call and drove down to the water to see the action at around 9 the other night. Obviously, it was only the beginning. The "action" didn't get going until 11... and that was past my bedtime unfortunately.


Aaron has been to some where the beaches are loaded with fish and all you have to do is scoop them up with your net.


This guy was loading up on mullet and flounder.  If you don't mind staying up late fishing and then cleaning them, you can have a freezer full of wonderful seafood! So there you have it, that's what a Jubilee is like.


These next few pictures have nothing to do with coastal living but they are "perks" in my life!


This is Jenny... you've met her before. She's my little helper in the yard.


I've shown y'all our bounty of muscadines before and they are still comin! You may have seen some at your local farmers market if you're a southerner.


Jenny hangs out in the shade while I pick and eat , and she will only eat the ones I burst open for her. She's grown picky in her old age... and that's ok with me.


And here is the fruit of our "labor"...


Speaking of labor, I hope each of you had a wonderful weekend... it rained a lot where we were.


We spent some much needed time with family in Mississippi {Hey Sandra, Sherri, Catina and everyone!!} and did a lot of laying around.

I love their little bunny feet! Hence why I sometimes call kitties "hunny bunnies"!

I hope y'all did the same! Well, this picture reminds me that it's bedtime so I'm off to hit the sack.  Thanks for stopping by!

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